Toilet Auger: How to Use It to Unclog Your Toilet-:Complete Guide

Do you want to unclog your toilet without having to call a plumber? You can do it easily with a toilet auger!

This guide will help you understand how to use it and make sure your toilet is running smoothly again. Save time and money with this simple DIY solution.

Welcome to this complete guide on toilet augers! A toilet auger is an invaluable tool used to free clogs that become trapped in the trap of a toilet bowl. It is an essential item to have in any home, as it can help prevent a smelly situation and costly plumber call-out fee.

So, what does a toilet auger do exactly? In simple terms, it works by being inserted into the trap of the toilet bowl, pushing and corkscrewing its way through the blockage. The coil on the end helps wrap itself around whatever might be trapped, allowing you to unclog it with minimal effort or damage.

This guide will walk you through everything from choosing the right size and type of auger for your needs to how to effectively use one when confronted with a blockage in your toilet. We hope that by the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll feel more confident when faced with unblocking your own drain!

Explanation of Toilet Auger

A toilet auger, also known as a closet auger or plumbing snake, is a tool used to remove small objects or debris from toilets and pipes. It is typically composed of a flexible metal tube with an internal plunger that is inserted into the drainage system and rotated to push any obstacles out of the way. In the case of blocked toilets, this object is usually a blockage of toilet paper or other material that has been flushed down.

The plunger end of the auger will press against whatever is blocking the drain while slowly rotating in order to eventually knock it out. The tube should be fed slowly down through the toilet until it reaches the obstruction, then carefully spun until it releases whatever blockage had been causing your drain problems.

It’s important to note that using a plumbing snake isn’t always necessary – sometimes simply plunging will unclog your pipes!

Importance of Using a Toilet Auger to Unclog Toilet

When a toilet is clogged, it can be very difficult to unclog with a plunger. A plunger might push the clog further down into the pipes, which can cause even more blockage. In these instances, using a toilet auger is the best way to remove the clog and restore efficient flow through your plumbing system.

Toilet augers are long cord-like devices that feature a looped handle, an angled head and flexible shaft. When inserted into the toilet and turned several times, the rotating head of an auger breaks up stubborn clogs on its own or grabs them so they can be pulled out manually.

Using an auger requires practice to ensure that it is used properly, as it’s possible to scratch or damage your pipes if not handled carefully. Fortunately, while learning how to use one takes some practice, overall this tool is relatively easy to use once you become familiar with it – making it much easier than using chemical-based drain cleaners. Plus, toilet augers offer an eco-friendly alternative for efficient removal of waste material from your home’s plumbing system without introducing harsh chemicals as well as being designed to reach further down into the drain than plungers are able to extend.

Brief Explanation of the Guide

This guide will provide a brief explanation of how to use an auger to unclog your toilet. We will cover all the steps necessary to complete the job, from selecting the right auger, assembling the tool, and making sure it is ready for use. We’ll explain the proper techniques in detail, walking you through each step in the process, so you can be confident that your toilet will be correctly unclogged in no time!

In addition to this guide, we provide further resources for viewing tutorial videos and reading troubleshooting advice. Ultimately we hope this guide will prove useful for any DIYer who needs help unclogging their own toilet!

Using the Toilet Auger

Using the toilet auger is a fairly easy process and though it may seem intimidating at first, once you’ve gotten the hang of it, unclogging your toilet certainly doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Follow the steps below to use your toilet auger correctly:

  1. First, turn off the water supply valve behind your toilet. You don’t want water shooting everywhere when you start unclogging it!
  2. Next, put on a pair of rubber gloves and carefully remove any debris from the bowl that is blocking the drain. This can include paper towels, wipes, or any other materials that are obstructing the flow of water down the drain.
  3. Then take hold of the handle of your toilet auger and push it down into toilet drain until you feel contact with whatever is blocking it – this may take some muscle power as sometimes tough clogs require quite a bit of pressure to get past them! As you twist the handle to increase pressure around whatever is blocking up your drain pull back slightly on the handle to ensure that you don’t cause any further damage while unclogging it.
  4. Once you feel like enough material has been released into the sewage system and that no further clog exists in your toilet – carefully remove your auger from inside and lay out some newspaper or an old towel to catch any remaining debris or moisture left by using your auger in case some liquid seeped out during use (This rarely happens but just in case).
  5. Finally, turn on your water supply valve again and flush your toilet to make sure nothing else comes up! If all looks good – then congratulations – you have successfully used a toilet auger to unclog your own loo!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Toilet Auger

A toilet auger or also known as closet auger is a plumbing tool used to clear clogs in the internal part of a toilet. These clogs can be hard to completely reach, so special tools like an auger are necessary for removing them. A toilet auger consists of two parts: an inner tube with a handle that you turn to spin the cable and an outer tube with a crank that pushes and pulls the coils of cable down the toilet’s pipes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use it correctly:

  1. Put on safety gloves before using the auger.
  2. Push the auger down into the drain until it reaches its maximum length.
  3. Turn the handle clockwise to rotate the cable inside of the pipe, which will help break up any clogs you may have in your drain pipe. Try using different directions to dislodge stubborn clogs – working clockwise, then counterclockwise, then clockwise again can sometimes be more effective when dealing with tough blockages.
  4. Once you feel resistance against your turning motions, pull up slightly on the handle and continue revolving it back and forth clockwise and counterclockwise for about one minute before switching directions completely, if needed.
  5. Once all resistance disappears, slowly retract your drain snake from pipe until it is out of your sink or tub’s drain opening. Test to make sure there are no remaining blockages by flushing your toilet. If all is clear and functioning properly, dispose of any debris in an appropriate receptacle.

Tips to Keep in Mind While Using a Toilet Auger

When using a toilet auger, there are a few important tips to keep in mind in order to ensure safe and effective operation. It’s important to protect your skin when working with the auger, as the plumbing system of a toilet can be dirty and it is not recommended to have prolonged contact with the system. Make sure you have heavy-duty gloves on while handling the auger, as well as safety glasses in case of a splashback or other similar incidents.

Don’t forget to use a plunger in conjunction with the auger — plungers provide added leverage when trying to loosen up clogs. After loosening up the blockage and getting it out of reach with the auger, plunge it until you’ve cleared away all of the remaining debris.

Additionally, make sure that your auger always remains above water level during usage — if it becomes submerged, this can damage both your equipment and your plumbing system, resulting in costly repairs. And finally, follow all safety guidelines provided by your manufacturer, as this will help ensure that all safety precautions are taken during use.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Using a Toilet Auger

It is possible to get the job done quicker and efficiently with a toilet auger. However, it has its own inherent risk of making mistakes in the process which can have some unnecessary consequences. Therefore, there are certain common mistakes you should avoid while using a toilet auger.

Firstly, when using an electric or automatic auger always make sure to unplug it first before inserting into the water to prevent electrical shock. Secondly, if you’re having issues getting through stubborn clogs do not force the auger down too much because it can cause damage to the porcelain finish or even break off pieces of your bowl. Lastly, remember that you don’t need to use a lot of force when twisting the snake cable around as this may cause damage to both your equipment and toilet bowl.

 Preparing for the Job

Before you begin working on the clog, it is important to prepare for the job and make sure you have the right supplies. Here is a checklist of the items you will need:

-A toilet auger, also referred to as a clog snake or plumbing snake. This is a long metal coil that is used to unclog toilets.

-Rubber gloves – Toilet augers can be quite unsanitary and gloves are a good idea for protecting your hands.

-An adjustable wrench . This will make it easier to attach and detach the auger head from the rest of the tool.

-Flashlight or headlamp – A flashlight or headlamp can be useful for finding clogs in hard-to-see places in your toilet.

-Bucket – You may need a bucket if there is water backing up into your toilet, or if it needs to be emptied before using an auger.

Safety Precautions to Take

A toilet auger is a specialized tool used to unclog toilets by inserting it down into the toilet bowl, closest to the drain. It can be beneficial in saving time and money in comparison to calling a plumber. However, using a toilet auger requires safety precautions and care, so you should always refer to your owner’s manual and take proper safety precautions before attempting to use an auger.

To start, make sure you wear protective gloves as well as goggles when dealing with any kind of drain cleaning activity. The material that comes up from the plumbing work will most likely be hazardous and even carrying the material can be dangerous if not properly secured. To protect yourself from any skin or eye contact, always assume there is a possibility of hazardous biohazards coming through the drain when cleaning it out with a toilet auger.

When working with electricity, there should always be ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) present before beginning any kind of electrical work. After turning off all power sources leading to the area being worked on with an augur, make sure that you test each receptacle with a GFCI tester to ensure no electricity is being sent through them while operating your augur or placing objects inside it while plumbing work is being done.

Additionally, it’s always best practice when using an augur to have safety glasses handy in order to protect your eyes in case shavings grenade out of the bathroom- or kitchen-side plumbing works while unclogging drains with an augur tool or while installing fixtures such as new shower heads or dishwashers in order that no particles fly towards your eyes from underneath sinksets or similar circumstances where plumbing works are taking place.

Materials Required

When attempting to clear a clog from your toilet, it is essential to have the proper tools and materials on hand. Gathering the necessary items before beginning the project can help to ensure that you are prepared for any problem you may encounter. Here is a list of common materials that may be required when using a toilet auger:

-Adjustable wrenches and other plumbing tools
-Replacement parts such as fill valve clamps, gaskets, wax rings, and toilet bolts
-Protective gloves such as rubber or PVC
-Toilet auger
-Bucket and sponge or towel for cleaning up spills
-Container for disposing of waste water


Today, you have learned how to use a toilet auger to unclog your toilet and how to properly care for it afterwards.

Before you begin any type of plumbing work, be sure to turn off the water supply and wear protective gear such as gloves and eyewear.

Your toilet can be unclogged quickly and easily with an auger, however if the problem persists beyond basic blockage you may need additional help from a professional plumber to get the job done right.

With a little skill, patience, and the right tools, such as an auger, you can clear difficult clogs from your toilet in no time.


How do you unclog a toilet with a toilet auger? 

To unclog a toilet with a toilet auger, insert the auger into the toilet bowl and turn the handle clockwise while pushing the cable down into the drain. Keep turning the handle until the clog is cleared, then pull the auger out of the drain.

Is it OK to use a drain auger on a toilet?

 It is not recommended to use a drain auger on a toilet as the cable can damage the porcelain and scratch the surface. It is better to use a toilet auger, which is specifically designed for use on toilets.

How do you unclog a drain with an auger?

 To unclog a drain with an auger, insert the auger into the drain and turn the handle clockwise while pushing the cable down into the drain. Keep turning the handle until the clog is cleared, then pull the auger out of the drain.

How do you unblock a deep toilet blockage? 

To unblock a deep toilet blockage, use a toilet auger to clear the clog. If the auger does not work, you may need to remove the toilet and use a snake or hydro jet to clear the blockage.

Why won’t my auger unclog my toilet? 

If your auger is not unclogging your toilet, the clog may be too deep or too large for the auger to handle. You may need to use a snake or hydro jet to clear the blockage.

How long of a toilet auger do I need? 

The length of the toilet auger you need will depend on the depth of your toilet drain. A standard toilet auger is typically around 3 feet long, but longer augers are available for deeper drains.

What is the difference between a snake and an auger?

 A snake and an auger are both used to clear clogs in drains, but they have different designs. A snake is a flexible cable that is pushed into the drain, while an auger has a corkscrew-shaped tip that can grab onto clogs.

Can Auger damage pipes? 

An auger can damage pipes if it is not used properly. The corkscrew tip can scratch the surface of the pipe, and too much force can cause the cable to become stuck or break. It is important to use an auger carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Is a toilet auger better than a snake? 

A toilet auger is better than a snake for clearing clogs in a toilet because it is designed specifically for use in a toilet bowl. The corkscrew tip of the auger is less likely to scratch the surface of the porcelain, and the cable is less likely to become stuck in the drain.

Will a snake unclog a toilet? 

A snake can be used to unclog a toilet, but it is not recommended. The flexible cable of the snake can scratch the surface of the porcelain and damage the toilet. It is better to use a toilet auger, which is specifically designed for use in a toilet bowl.

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